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Aastha S


Aastha S
Last Active
Member, Administrator, Sage, 7Sage Tutor


  • Hey! Director of LSAT Services here! I totally get that tutoring is an investment so we want to make sure that you're able to use your hours effectively. The nice thing about your hours is that they won't expire for a year so if you purchase now an…
  • Hey! We actually have a tutoring program here at 7Sage with plenty of options to help you get ready for test day! Our tutors are all 99th percentile scorers and have tons of experience working with students to get them to their goal score. You can …
  • CONGRATS!! That's an amazing improvement, you should be incredibly proud of yourself. As for the podcast, I'm glad we could play a part in you wrapping up your LSAT journey. Best of luck for whatever is next!
  • @alonsogar said: QUESTIONS! How is this different from one-on-one, dynamic-wise? Is it like a small group of people in the session or is the time slot also dedicated for you only, also the fee schedule. Hey Alonso! These on-demand tutori…
  • Hey! The testing cycle runs from July 1st to June 30th. Just like you said, you can only take it 3 times in a single testing cycle! This means that you can take it both in April and June and then also 3 more times before February of 2024. As long a…
  • @kazarhin I'm so glad you enjoyed the episode!! Wishing you all the best as you tackle the test, you got this!!
  • Hey y'all! If you're looking for an easy way to find other people to study with, join us at our next Study Group Break Out session! It'll be this upcoming Tuesday at 9pm EST. We'll put you in groups with other people scoring in the same range as you…
  • Hey! If you're looking for an easy way to find people to study with, consider joining us for our next Study Group Break Out Session! We'll put you in groups with people scoring in the same range as you so you can find people to work with for the res…
  • Hey! One really great way to meet other people studying for the test is through the study group break out session that we host right here at 7Sage! Our next one is this upcoming Tuesday at 9pm EST. We will pair you with other people scoring in the s…
  • Hey! It can be tough trying to figure out what exactly to focus on leading into test day. I agree with your assessment to focus on games, but I don't think you should give up on LR just yet! Spend any extra time you have reviewing the mistakes you'v…
  • Hey! I know that starting out with this test can be intimidating but I'd highly recommend pushing yourself to spend at least a little bit of time each day reviewing the core curriculum! It's a straightforward and effective way to get the foundation…
  • Hey! If you're looking for a tutor, I'd recommend scheduling a free consultation with one of the expert tutors here at 7Sage! Not only are all of our tutors 99th percentile scorers, but we also have a lot of experience helping people like you reach…
  • If you're looking for a simple way to meet people to study with, 7Sage is hosting a free Study Group Breakout Event this Tuesday! Feel free to use this link to register: …
    in - Comment by Aastha S September 2022
  • If you're looking for a simple way to meet people to study with, 7Sage is hosting a free Study Group Breakout Event this Tuesday! Feel free to use this link to register: …
  • If you're looking for a simple way to meet people to study with, 7Sage is hosting a free Study Group Breakout Event this Tuesday! Feel free to use this link to register: …
  • If you're looking for a simple way to meet people to study with, 7Sage is hosting a free Study Group Breakout Event this Tuesday! Feel free to use this link to register: …
  • If you're looking for a simple way to meet people to study with, 7Sage is hosting a free Study Group Breakout Event this Tuesday! Feel free to use this link to register: …
  • If you're looking for a simple way to meet people to study with, 7Sage is hosting a free Study Group Breakout Event this Tuesday! Feel free to use this link to register: …
  • If you're looking for a simple way to meet people to study with, 7Sage is hosting a Study Group Breakout Even this Tuesday! Feel free to use this link to register: Hope t…
  • Hey! The path to a 170+ score looks different for everyone, so it's difficult to prescribe a one size fits all plan. What I can say, though, is that in order to get this score you can't miss anymore than 7-9 questions per test. Take a look at your …
  • Hey! The best way to avoid a score decrease if you get to RC sections is to make sure you have a step by step process that you follow every time you do an RC passage. Try to stay away from gut feelings and intuition as much as you can. The more mech…
  • Hey! The biggest piece of advice I would give in a situation like this is to see if the difficulty level of the questions that you're missing are all the same. Even if the question types are all different, maybe you're only missing the most difficul…
  • Hey! The biggest piece of advice I can give for reviewing LR sections is to do a wrong answer journal. For each mistake that you make, be incredibly thorough in analyzing why you missed the question. Most importantly, make note of what you can do i…
  • Hey! How you should study varies drastically from person to person. The first thing I would recommend doing is taking a diagnostic test before you learn any material to see where you're at currently. From there, you can identify what your weak point…
  • Hey! The biggest thing to figure out if you're struggling with LR is whether it's a content or timing issue. Next time you take a full LR section, really take your time with blind review (ensure that you've eliminated all 4 of the wrong answers and …
    in Help on LR Comment by Aastha S July 2022
  • Hey! First off, I want to say that you have already built an incredibly impressive resume. You should be proud of all of the work you have done up until this point! With a year to study, you are in a great position to increase your score. The most i…
  • Hey! Hitting a plateau is an incredibly common part of many people's LSAT journey. In order to break it, you really want to spend some time with your analytics and understand what the common patterns are in the questions you're missing. If you're un…
  • Hey! Improvement on RC is a slow journey. At the end of the day, practice is the best way to get better. However, one thing to keep in mind is that even the most inference heavy questions will be tied back to something in the passage. With every ans…
  • Hey! 7Sage offers tutoring services and our tutors would be happy to help you improve your LR score. We can help you create a specific, individualized strategy for exactly what you need. If you would like to learn more about our tutoring process, fe…
  • Hey! I think the biggest thing to keep in mind with RC is that you should always be looking for main ideas as opposed to hyper-analyzing every detail in the passage. As long as you're able to map out the structure of the passage, it will become easi…